Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fusion Photography Palm Beach- Boudoir Photography- American Female Firefighters Calendar

America's Female Firefighters
 2012 Calendar Shoot

I was so happy to get an email last week asking if I could shoot another girl for this years calendar!  How lucky am I?

I went into this one a little more relaxed, knowing a little more what to expect. I was happy to get to meet the newest cooridinator- Vanessa! Congratulations!!!  And the model for the evening was Stephanie. She came all the way from Indiana-if I remember correctly! She had just flown in from volunteering for a week at the burn camp that the calendar also donates to!! 

Unfortunately, Mia, the wonderful AFF that normally does hair and make-up couldn't make it. No worries! Grabbed my "Boudoir Box" that I use for my Boudoir clients and Cilla brought some great make-up and curling irons! Between me, Cilla and Vanessa- we got it done! Probably not as fast or as fabulous as Mia- but Stephanie looked gorgeous, anyway!!

I didn't really take many "behind the scenes" pics. We were fighting the sunset and so we moved pretty quick! Just in case you didn't read the last calendar blog I wrote- the calendar pics are hush hush until it is revealed in August! I don't even get to know which "one" was picked!! But you better believe as soon as they are revealed and the calendar goes on sale- A direct link to their site will be posted on Fusion's site!!!

These beautiful women do great things for burn victims, as well as many other causes. They are not paid for their time or modeling. They do it to help others. They are truly battling fires and trying to keep American's safe-whether it be before, during or after a fire or catastrophe!